
Best SEO Practices for Magento Store

By Vsourz - 18 September 2019
Best SEO Practices for Magento Store
When you work with a Magento SEO specialist at Vsourz you’ll do much more than just tweak your ecommerce store a little to deliver better search engine results. We provide the full range of ecommerce SEO services to all of our clients, so the Magento SEO checklist which we run through with every client has been honed and perfected over many years through our work with a wide range of ecommerce businesses. No matter what kinds of goods or services you deliver, we can point you in the direction of Magento SEO best practices, making the changes to your site that will help to maximise the number of people who see it and the return on investment. We know from experience that the best ecommerce website in the world is no use if people don’t get to see it, so we so we offer Magento Search Engine Optimisation tips like the ones you’ll see below:

Headers and Title Tags

Although the Magento platform automatically creates title tags for your ecommerce site, we still recommend having tags created manually. One quick and relatively simple method of doing this is to create different product groups across the site. Once the groups have been created, the title tags can be predefined and then assigned to each specific product group. It’s also important that Header Tags are used correctly, so that headers are tagged H1, H2, and H3, in a manner which enables Google to rank them in terms of importance.

Product Page URLs

Configuring URLs correctly means making sure that you only use top-level URLs. In practical terms, this means not having the category included in the path. Setting up Magento in a way that makes sure this happens is relatively simple. Look for the following section of the platform:

Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Search Engine Optimization

Once there, you’ll be asked if you want to use ‘categories path for product URLs’. By selecting No you’ll be making sure that your Product Page URLs are properly optimised.

Get rid of any duplicate content.

There are few things which make the Google algorithms frown on an ecommerce website more than duplicated content. Every product on your ecommerce store needs to have its own unique description, which can’t have been copied from another site or from elsewhere on your own site. If your products are relatively simple, making a different description of each more difficult to produce, then link them using canonical tags, which will demonstrate to Google that the content is a type of ‘justified’ duplication.

Nofollow links

There are quite a few pages of an ecommerce website that you don’t want or need to have indexed by search engines. These include pages such as my account, admin and checkout. You can make sure this happens by adding ‘nofollow’ links to those particular pages. As you also need to add entries to your robots.txt file, this is the kind of small but vital SEO task which calls for the kind of ecommerce seo services you can access when you work with a Vsourz Magento SEO specialist.

Home page title

Make sure that the title of your home page, rather than simply being ‘Home’, is optimised to include the store name and at least one identified key word. Sticking to between 50 and 60 characters will also help to maximise the SEO status of the home page.


Your ecommerce sitemap offers a quick guide to search engines, setting out what is actually available on your site. Make sure the CMS pages, products and categories are all prioritised with the most important content placed first and foremost.


Make sure that the product images you use on your ecommerce website are optimised. Make sure that the name you give to each image offers a short and easily understood description of what the image shows. The name will eventually form a part of the URL of the image, and the easier it is to understand as far as a person is concerned, the easier it will be for search engine to process and understand.

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Contact us today to explore how we can help you achieve digital advantage.


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