If you’re about to launch a digital business or perhaps notch up your existing website or digital marketing then how well the people that you wish to appeal to understand who and what you are about is crucial.
Your brand is how your customers perceive you. More therefore than simply a logo or colourway, your brand is how you communicate your values and who you are. Think of it as what persists in the minds of your target audience after they have spent time with you.
Digital branding is, therefore, the art of creating the right perception of your brand in the digital space. With so many opportunities to connect and engage with people across the Internet, digital branding takes into account everything from your owned website through to tone of voice and how you express yourself across off-site channels such as social media.
And whereas branding can perhaps, at times, feel intangible, digital branding done well has a very tangible outcome. For when people perceive your digital touchpoints positively, they’ll be more inclined to choose to buy from, spend time or connect with you over a competitor.
- Tell you brand story
- Present your values and points of difference
- Create your unique value proposition
- Demonstrate who you are
- And appeal and attract
- Providing reasons to choose you
Furthermore, digital branding rarely lives apart from real-world branding. As such, we take a holistic approach to digital brand development that centres around how you appeal to your customers and with what. What experiences, content, marketing, propositions and so on.
When looking to digital success creating a digital brand that pulls all this together and has people perceive you as the place to meet their needs is a crucial step towards digital advantage. Be that a particular type of holiday purchase, or as a provider of professional services, and everything in between.