
Optimising Checkout: Tips to Reduce Shopify Shopping Cart Abandonment

By Vsourz - 02 November 2023
Optimising Checkout: Tips to Reduce Shopify Shopping Cart Abandonment
As a Shopify business owner, the last thing you want to see is potential customers abandoning their shopping carts without completing their purchase. Unfortunately, this is a reality that many online store owners face. In fact, studies have shown that as much as 70% of all online shopping carts are abandoned before reaching the checkout page.

This can be extremely frustrating for business owners who have invested time and effort into setting up their online store, only to see potential sales slip away. The good news is that there are simple strategies you can implement to reduce Shopify shopping cart abandonment. In this article, we will discuss a range of effective techniques that can help optimise your store’s checkout process and increase conversions.

What is Shopify Cart Abandonment?

Shopify shopping cart abandonment refers to the act of a potential customer adding items to their shopping cart but ultimately leaving the website without completing their purchase. This is a common issue for many online stores, and it can have a significant impact on your business’s bottom line.

There are various reasons why customers abandon their carts, such as unexpected shipping costs, complicated checkout processes, or simply getting distracted. As a business owner understanding the causes of Shopify cart abandonment and taking steps to reduce its occurrence can significantly increase your sales.

Checkout vs Cart Abandonment: Are They the Same?

While checkout and cart abandonment are both related to the online shopping experience, they refer to different stages in the buying process. Checkout abandonment refers to when a customer starts the checkout process but does not complete it. This can happen for various reasons, such as technical issues or unexpected costs.

On the other hand, Shopify cart abandonment occurs when a customer adds items to their cart but does not proceed to the checkout process. This can be due to reasons such as comparison shopping, indecisiveness, or distractions.

Both checkout and cart abandonment can negatively impact your business’s sales and revenue, so it is essential to address both issues in your online store. In this article, we will focus specifically on strategies to reduce cart abandonment on your Shopify store.

Common Reasons Why Customers Abandon Their Carts

Approximately $4 trillion worth of goods are abandoned in shopping carts every year. Predictably, this results in a significant loss of potential revenue for businesses. So why do customers abandon their carts? Here is a breakdown of the most common reasons for Shopify cart abandonment.

Extra costs are too high (48%)

The most common reason for a high Shopify cart abandonment rate can be attributed to unexpected extra costs such as shipping, tax, or fees being added to the total order amount. Customers may feel misled or frustrated when they see these additional charges at the end of the checkout process. This can lead them to abandon their carts and seek out alternative options.

The site wants me to create an account (24%)

Forcing customers to create an account before completing a purchase can be a major turnoff for many shoppers. They may not want to go through the hassle of creating yet another online account, especially if they only plan on making a one-time purchase. This added step in the checkout process can cause customers to abandon their carts and look for a more user-friendly website.

Delivery was too slow (22%)

In today’s fast-paced world, customers want their purchases as soon as possible. If they see that the delivery time is longer than expected, they may choose to abandon their cart and find a faster option elsewhere. This is especially true for customers who are in urgent need of the product they are purchasing.

I didn’t trust the site with my credit card information (18%)

With constant news of data breaches and online fraud, customers are becoming increasingly cautious when it comes to sharing their personal and financial information. As such, growing privacy and security concerns contribute to Shopify cart abandonment. If a website doesn’t look secure or has a history of security issues, customers may choose to abandon their cart rather than risk having their sensitive information compromised.

Too long/complicated checkout process (17%)

Similar to the previous point about creating an account, a lengthy or complicated checkout process can also deter customers from completing their purchase. Customers want a smooth and seamless experience when making a purchase online, so anything that adds unnecessary steps or confusion can cause an increase in your Shopify cart abandonment rate while customers look for a simpler option.

I couldn’t see/calculate total order cost up-front (16%)

Transparency is key in gaining customers’ trust and making them feel comfortable with their purchase. If the total cost of their order is not clearly stated or if additional fees are added during the checkout process, customers may feel misled or uncertain about the final price. This can lead to Shopify shopping cart abandonment as they may not want to take the risk of paying more than they expected.

Website had errors/crashed (13%)

Technical issues with a website can greatly impact the customer’s shopping experience. If a website is slow, unresponsive, or crashes during the checkout process, customers may lose patience and choose to shop elsewhere. This highlights the importance of maintaining a reliable and user-friendly website to reduce Shopify cart abandonment.

Lack of payment options (11%)

As online shopping continues to grow, so do the available payment methods. Customers expect to have multiple options when it comes to paying for their purchases, such as credit/debit cards, PayPal, and mobile wallets. If a website does not offer their preferred method of payment, they may choose to shop elsewhere where it is available.

The credit card was declined (4%)

While this may not seem like a significant number, it still accounts for a portion of cart abandonment. If a customer’s credit card is declined during the checkout process, they may become frustrated and choose to abandon their purchase. This can be due to various reasons, such as insufficient funds or authentication issues.

What Happens After Customers Leave Their Carts?

After a customer abandons their shopping cart, there are various scenarios that can occur. Depending on the reason for Shopify shopping cart abandonment, the following situations may arise:

  1. The customer may choose to come back and complete their purchase at a later time, especially if they were just browsing or got distracted.
  2. The customer may abandon the purchase altogether and never return to complete it.
  3. The customer may reach out to customer service for assistance, especially if they encountered an error during the checkout process.
  4. If the customer’s email address was collected during the checkout process, the company may send them a Shopify abandoned cart email to encourage them to complete their purchase.
  5. The customer may leave negative feedback or reviews about their experience, which could potentially harm the company’s reputation and deter other potential customers from making a purchase.

Tips to Reduce Shopify Shopping Cart Abandonment

If you have a high Shopify cart abandonment rate, then it’s essential to identify the reasons for abandonment and take steps to address them. Here are some tips that can help reduce your Shopify cart abandonment.

Using Shopify Cart Abandonment Data

As a Shopify merchant, you have access to powerful data that can help you understand why customers are abandoning their shopping carts. This data includes the time and date of Shopify cart abandonment, products left in the cart, and even the customer’s location and device type.

By analysing this data, you can pinpoint common trends or pain points that may be causing customers to abandon their carts. This information can also help you make data-driven decisions on how to improve your checkout process and reduce abandonment rates moving forward.

Simplify Checkout – Use One-Click Checkout

One-click checkout is a game-changer for reducing Shopify shopping cart abandonment. By enabling this feature, customers can complete their purchase with just one click, without having to enter their shipping and billing information every time they make a purchase.

This not only saves time for the customer but also eliminates any potential friction or confusion during the checkout process. With one-click checkout, you can streamline the buying experience and increase conversion rates.

Offer Alternatives to Account Creation

Account creation is often seen as cumbersome and time-consuming by customers, leading them to abandon their carts. By offering alternative options, such as guest checkout or social media login, you can make the process more convenient for customers and reduce the likelihood of Shopify cart abandonment. Additionally, this allows you to capture customer information for future marketing efforts without requiring them to create an account.

Display Social Proof and Trust Badges

Including social proof, such as customer reviews and ratings and trust badges like security certificates, can help instil confidence in customers during the checkout process. This can alleviate any concerns they may have about the safety and legitimacy of your website, ultimately reducing Shopify cart abandonment. What’s more, displaying social proof can also provide reassurance that other customers have had positive experiences with your brand.

Highlight Your Value on the Checkout Page

The checkout page is a critical point in the buying process where customers are making their final decision. It’s important to highlight your unique value proposition and any special offers or discounts that may be available to encourage them to complete their purchase. This can include free shipping, limited-time promotions, or even loyalty rewards for returning customers.

Use Shopify-Specific Cart Abandonment Tools

As an ecommerce platform, Shopify offers specific tools and apps that can help reduce Shopify cart abandonment. These include abandoned cart recovery emails, exit-intent popups, and retargeting ads. By utilising these tools, you can reach out to customers who have abandoned their carts and offer incentives or reminders to complete their purchases.

Optimise for Mobile

With the increasing use of mobile devices for online shopping, it’s crucial to ensure that your checkout process is optimised for mobile users. This includes having a responsive design, easy navigation, and a simplified checkout form. By providing a seamless mobile experience, you can reduce friction and make it easier for customers to make that final click.

Create Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency can be an effective way to encourage customers to complete their purchase. This can include limited-time offers, low-stock alerts, or countdown timers for special deals. By creating a sense of scarcity, customers may feel more inclined to make a quick decision and complete their purchase before a good opportunity goes by. However, use these techniques genuinely, as false tickers and stock levels can do the opposite and reduce trust in your store.

Help Them Out with Reminders and Suggestions

Sometimes, customers may simply forget about items in their cart or get distracted while shopping. By sending friendly reminders and suggestions, you can help them remember what they were interested in and motivate them to finish their purchase. This can be done through email marketing or retargeting ads.

Use exit intent pop-ups

Exit intent pop-ups can be a powerful tool to capture the attention of potential customers who are about to leave your site without completing their purchase. These pop-ups can offer last-minute discounts or incentives to encourage them to make a purchase before they go. Just be sure to make the pop-up relevant and not too intrusive.

Provide Peace of Mind with Shipping and Returns Information

One of the biggest concerns for online shoppers is shipping and returns. By providing clear and transparent information about your shipping and return policies, you can help alleviate any doubts or concerns that may be affecting your Shopify cart abandonment rate. This can also include offering free shipping or easy return processes.

Make All Ongoing Discounts Instantly Accessible

If you have ongoing discounts or promotions, make sure they are prominently displayed on your website so customers can easily see and take advantage of them. This can include a banner at the top of your homepage or a separate page dedicated to all current deals and offers.

Start a Rewards Program

A rewards program can be a great way to incentivize customers to complete their purchases and become repeat customers. By offering points for every purchase or other actions such as referring friends, you can create a loyalty program that encourages customers to keep coming back and making purchases.

Send Push Notifications

Push notifications can be a great way to remind customers of abandoned carts or update them on current promotions or deals. These notifications can be sent directly to their mobile devices, making it easy for them to click and make a purchase in the moment.

Offer Many Payment Options

Make sure you offer a variety of payment options to cater to different customer preferences. This can include credit/debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, and more. By offering multiple payment options, you can ensure that customers are able to easily make purchases without any obstacles.

Tips to Recover Abandoned Carts

Prevention is better than cure, but abandoned carts are to some degree, inevitable. However, that doesn’t mean every abandoned cart has to be a lost sale. Here are a few tips to help you recover abandoned carts for your Shopify store:

  • Send abandoned cart emails: Set up a Shopify abandoned cart email sequence that reminds customers of their abandoned carts and includes a link to easily complete the purchase.
  • Run retargeting ads: Use targeted ads on social media platforms or Google to remind customers of their abandoned carts and entice them to make a purchase with special offers or promotions.
  • Use abandoned cart SMS automation: Similar to emails, you can set up automated text messages that remind customers of their abandoned carts and provide an easy link to complete the purchase.
  • Use WhatsApp for customer support: Utilise messaging apps like WhatsApp to provide stellar customer support and help customers complete their abandoned orders. This more personalised approach may encourage them to make a purchase.

It’s always wise to have a plan in place for redeeming abandoned carts and ensuring that customers have multiple options available to complete their purchase. You don’t have to let those abandoned carts go to waste – you can take action and turn them into successful purchases!

Benefits of Having an Abandoned Cart Recovery Strategy

Implementing an abandoned cart recovery strategy can have many benefits for your Shopify store. Some of these include:

  • Recapturing lost sales: By reminding customers of their abandoned carts and providing easy options to complete the purchase, you have a chance to recapture lost sales that may have otherwise been forgotten. This can significantly contribute to your store’s revenue.
  • Increasing conversion rates: Personalised and timely reminders such as Shopify abandoned cart email sequences can help improve your store’s conversion rates. Customers are more likely to complete their purchase when prompted with special offers or a reminder of the items left in their cart.
  • Improving customer experience: By providing multiple options for customers to complete their purchase, you are providing a better overall customer experience. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Fostering customer loyalty: When customers feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to return for future purchases. By implementing an abandoned cart recovery strategy, you are showing your customers that you care about their shopping experience and want to make it as smooth as possible. This helps to foster customer loyalty and increase repeat purchases.
  • Optimising marketing costs: Abandoned cart recovery methods are a cost-effective way to improve sales and conversion rates without having to spend additional money on advertising or promotions. By targeting customers who have already shown interest in your products, you can make the most out of your marketing efforts.

Overall, implementing an abandoned cart recovery strategy is a great way to positively impact your store’s revenue and customer satisfaction.

Reduce Shopify Cart Abandonment by Partnering with a Shopify Development Agency

Shopify shopping cart abandonment is a common challenge faced by many ecommerce businesses. However, it’s important to remember that an abandoned cart does not necessarily mean a lost sale. By tackling Shopify cart abandonment head-on, businesses can reduce revenue losses and improve the customer experience.

As a Shopify partner, Vsourz has a dedicated team of Shopify experts who can help with cart abandonment for your storefront available on demand. Don’t let abandoned carts hold back your business growth – contact Vsourz today to hire Shopify developers.

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